Nowadays, the new era of advertising has changed. Few years ago during the era of internet booming, lotsa company advertised their product by putting pop up banner. Mostly banner were sponsored by either gambling or porn industry. It was really annoying plus add-on virus to it and has infected your pc.
those days has gone. With google as a new player in the market, it has introduced a new way of advertising, a brand new search engine. Previous years, companies might want to concentrate on conventional advertising such as tv, radio, newspaper, magazine etc. Today, the segment of advertising has been extended to personal advertising especially to the eyes of internet consumer. More and more people are buying things, goods, items through online. The online industry or e-commerce has done it again! Advertising can be seen everywhere in personal website based on its content. For example, if a website content is about credit card; the ads will be automatically portrayed advertisement about credit cards. It's very niche and specific. Who started? Gooogle!! To put ads in the big website is very timely and cost. What google done is reducing the cost by putting the ads in small website and specific to website content.
Due to this, many of ads companies grow. They give plenty of opportunity to small companies or individuals to display ads at their website and they pay for it.
here is the list of website that can give u additional part time income (though it wont make u rich just like bill gate, but something is better than nothing):
1. adsense is the pioneer in blog-ads industry. Google will pay you through western union for USD100.00. If your amount in your account is less than USD100, it will be hold until it reach that amount. then, payment will be released. up-to-date, my google adsense amount since i open up on 18 august is USD11.20.
2. click the above link, register your website/blog. is giving money once u sign-up £5.00 (about RM30.00). But you need to have paypal account. payment will be made to your paypal account and you can widthdraw the money to your credit card (minus 5% transfer charge). In addition to that, you'll get what other ads company give, per-click charge. Anyone who has visited your website, they click on the ads, you'll get paid for it. Amount, is depending on traffic etc and paid in Pound Sterling!!! You have to sign-up for this! highly recommended. But bear in mind, not all your application for matched will be approved. there are tips and tricks to be followed.
http://www.adbrite.comSame like google adsense, they pay you once your amount reach USD100.00 (but i believe it is optional, u can put as low as USD50.00.
4. company ads. they pay you once the amount reach RM50.00. But, nuffnang is a bit inconsistent. Sometimes u can see the ads and sometime u dont.
All of the above require u to do some reading and effort to learn new thing. WHat? u think money fall down from the sky? in your dream!!...
And good luck and happy trying. email me if you need further assistance. I'll be happy to help. Until then, CLICK my Ads as support for giving you free info