Nov 26, 2008

A Story about Facebook

I have been listening to flyfm radio channel this evening. There was an interesting topic being discussed; facebooking. I dunno about you guys. Recently so many of my friends asked me to facebook. Be it my office mate or ex-school mate or many of my friends. It has been a trend. Even my ex-lecturer whom i met during last reunion also facebooks.

I do realize that facebook has the positive aspects; it can connect and network your old friends, school mate, university, classroom etc.

U guys must know that facebook can also cause trouble in your life. Let me tell you a story. Friend of friend of mine who is having 2 wives. At facebook, if you are married, you can only put one wife that has relationship with the facebooker. Eventually, this guy put the second wife as a person having relationship with him. Later the first wife knew, world war III; accusing him for not being fair to the first one. FYI, both wives are also on Facebook. What happened next, they quarreled at facebook. Consequently, everyone read it. what a shame. I didn't know the end of this story.

Who knows what are other things that facebook can trouble your life. I don't really like to facebook and i dunno why. Probably i have been exposed so much the trend facebook alike (i.eL friendster, myspace, Hi5, tagged etc). I'd prefer to blog.

My advice, don't put so much your personal info at facebook. Keep some for your life


Anonymous said... I know :D

Unknown said...

what u know? :p

pandapenyek said...

My advice, don't put so much your personal info at facebook. Keep some for your life

senang cite jangan letak apa2 pun personal info..ekekeke

Anonymous said...

tul ... seeloknya elak terus masuk benda2 tu semua kecuali mmg betul2 nak cari member gebang.... I just accept invitation kat tagged last week... eee... ngeri ... berderet2 org tagged, tapi semuanya 'jantan' isk.... tak best lah

Unknown said...

awin....sbb depa tgk hang cun kot...sbb tu berderet2 nak add.

Anonymous said...

yeah true enuf...
sometimes we wudnt know who invites us...

Ruby Alias said...

wei bro ..patut laa org invite tak join2...dah negative perception ropanyaa...nway to me my facebook list r all my REAL Life frens frm primary skool up to uni/office ..fb been very helpful as a channel for keeping in touch w acquaintances all over the globe

only keep ur fb acc...yg lelain tu leh terminate jer hehe ..

Ruby Alias said...

oh yerr..pssttt pass fb mamat yg 2 wives tu haha..