Oct 10, 2008

Eye Floaters: You might be next

I wear glasses since 10 years ago. I have been impacted by the so-called astigmatism. The optician that i used to see the real cause of my astigmatism is because i like to read while i lie down. As a result of this, it has caused my vision to be blurred. Every once in a while i will have to apply some medicine to my eyes to reduce irritation which sometime interrupt my daily routine, can't watch TV or reading.

Recently I have came across about website Eye Floaters. It really surprise me that i might have the possibilities to have eye floaters disease. Seriously, the word eye floaters is really alien to me. What is Eye Floaters? Read more here.

It is believed that there has no cure yet found for Eye Floaters. Even if there was, it is not guaranteed and you have to undergo a very painful procedure and very costly. Don't believe me? this is what i have excerpted from wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater):

  • Vitrectomy may be successful in treating more severe cases;however, the procedure is typically not warranted in those with lesser symptoms due to the potential for complications as severe as blindness. Floaters may become less annoying as sufferers grow accustomed to them, even to the extent that they may no longer notice them.

  • There is also Sutureless Vitrectomy, as the standard vitrectomy involves cutting through the conjunctiva, or fleshy part of the front of the eye, and making openings in the pars plana area which require stitches at the end of the surgery. In the sutureless technique, small tubes or canulas or trochars are placed through the pars plana area and very tiny instruments are placed through these tubes. Once the surgery is complete, the tubes are removed and no stitches are needed. Only in certain cases can sutureless vitrectomy surgery be performed.

  • Another treatment is laser vitreolysis. In this procedure a powerful laser (usually an Yttrium aluminium garnet laser) is focused onto the floater and in a quick burst vaporizes the structure into a less dense and not as noticeable consistency.

After reading the above , I'd suggest those who are potentially having the Eye Floater to find any information about Eye Floaters. One of the website that i browse currently is the http://www.eyefloaters.info/. Thanks to it, now I know what is Eye Floaters and how it can impact my life and others.

It is unbelievable if such medicine can help to cure Eye Floaters. You don't need to apply expensive medical for eyes. it is money back guaranteed and no side effect. I have tried some of modern medicine if something irritate my eyes, but i have experience dizziness headache. I therefore believe the secret cure for eye floaters will be a worth while trying it. After all, what do you get to loose?

Don't simply take for granted as Eye Floaters can cost your life. Imagine blurry vision and eye irritation and you drive. If you missed out the blind spot, imagine what could happen to you or other people if you happened to have had an accident because of Eye Floaters.


Cik_Iza said...

i'm wearing spec since i was twelve..and got severe membranous conjunctivits a few weeks ago.. it caused my eyes blury.. i went to specialist centre to cure it and it is very expensive.. the doctor had to clean the membrans in my eyes.. its very paintfull..

doctor gave me 2 type of medicine.. i got to put the eve drop every two hours.. its too burdan me..

erm.. i think i shoul give a try to this product.

Anonymous said...

am going to get one..i think.. need to check up soon. How sad kan? Never wear spec since born err.. except sunglasses :D

Anonymous said...

didnt noe dat there's dis "disease".....